Humorfully caricature as design for weekly humorlos magazine ”Die Muskete” was executed by famous Austrian Cartoonist, postcard painter and Illustrator Fritz Schönpflug (1873 - Vienna - 1951).
He was co-founder and artistic director of the humorous weekly magazine "Die Muskete" (1905-1941), but also worked for other magazines such as the "Wiener fliegenden Blätter", the "Wiener Figaro", the "Bombe" and the "Sketch" from London. He was also an excellent horse illustrator. As a postcard artist, he is known for his depictions of Viennese types and caricatures of life in the Austro-Hungarian army. He created around 1,000 templates for the Viennese postcard publisher Brüder Kohn Wien (BKW).[1] Schönpflug also designed advertising posters, including warnings for passengers on the Viennese trams (1910) and cover drawings for brochures.
However, Schönpflug also created a series of anti-Semitic hate caricatures together with Theo Zasche and M. J. Leuthe for the Christian Social “Reichspost” and its side paper “Wiener Stimmen”.
Schönpflug was a member of the Vienna Künstlerhaus from 1906 to 1936, and in 1949 he was awarded the title of professor.
Literature: Prof.H.Fuchs, Lexicon of Austrian Printers; Wikipedia.
inscription: signet.
Technique :
Meadurements: w 5 2/3" x 7 1/8" (14,5 x 18 cm)
Condition: |