Portrait of a Neapolitan beauty was executed around 1900 by listed Neapolitan painter Domenico Forlenza (1880 - 1934), who was active in Naples in the early 20th century. From 1912 represented on several exhibitions. It‘s known his full-length female portrait (oil /canvas), whose reliable composition and loose brushstrokes suggest a talented painter.
WORKS : ROME, Palace del Quirinale: Una modella, signed, before 1912.
EXHIBITIONS : 1912, ´14 -17 Naples: Promotrice di BA / 1913 Florence, Soc.
Literature: in Italian: Breda, 2001. – A.M. Damigella u.a. (Ed.), La quadreria e le scult. Opere dell´Ottocento e del Novecento (K Quirinale Rom), Mi. 1995; ( in Getman): AKL ( allgemeines Künstlerlexikon) by K.G. Saur.
Inscription: signed lower left.
Technique: oil on wood. Luxuriousy original frame.
Measurements: unframed w 10 1/4´ x h 20 2/3" (26 x 52,5 cm), framed w 15 1/2" x h 25 5/8" (39,5 x 65 cm).
Condition: in very good condition. |