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Artist:     Salvatore Postiglione (1861 - Naples - 1906)
Item ID   2734
Price:     28000.00 €


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"Cherry time " (old title of the painting, due to the inscription in German on the reverse of stretcher), this beautiful and monumental Belle Epoque painting was executed by good listed and high quoted Neapolitan genre , historical and portrait painter Salvatore Postiglione (1865 Naples - 1906). His works are high estimated by the international auctions (to 50000 USD ). Salvatore Postiglione was the son and pupil of Luigi Postiglione, brother of the artist Luca P., later studied at the Art Academy in Modena under Morelli, Honorary Professor since 1889; Professor of the Academy in Modena since 1904. Works by the artist situated: Gal.d`Arte Moderna in Rome, Pinacoteca in Ascoli Piceno, Ins. di B. Arti Naples; Museum di floridiana, Naples; castle Miramare, Triest; Palace De Riseis , Naples; cathedral of Nola(near Naples).etc.

Literature: in French: "Dictionary of painters, sculptos and decorators" by E.Benezit, Gründ,1999 ; in Italian: A.M.Comanucci"I Pittori Italiani Dell`Ottocento"; in German: "Allgemeines Kuenstlerlexikon " by Thieme/Becker, Lepzig, 1999.

Inscription: signed illegibly lower left; antique bronze plaque with the name of the artist; German inscription of the previous collector with the titleof the painting "Kirschenzeit" (in english: Cherry Time).

Technique: oil on canvas. magnificent original period gold-plated frame.

Measurements: unframed w 26 1/3" x h 41 1/4 " (67 x 105 cm), framed w 42 1/8" x h 57 1/8" (107 x 145 cm)

Condition: very good, no inpaintings or paintlosses, origtinal canvas ; original frame is also in the godd condition .