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Artist:     Roger de la Corbiere (French 1893 - 1974)
Title:     Silver Surf
Item ID   6656
Price:     950.00 €


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Seascape by Roger de la Corbiere (1893 Vouneuil-sur-Vienne - 1974 Paris). listed French artist who was famous for his seascapes.  He studied under the Russian painter Choltse, who was a great exponent of light and shade particularly in snow scenes. He exhibited at the Paris Salon for 35 years, receiving the Silver Medal in 1954. In 1957 he received the Bronze Medal from the Salon des Independants. The French State acquired several of his paintings in 1925. His paintings are in the collections of many well known persons throughout the world. He worked mainly from his studio in Brittany, but also spent some time in the Riviera.  His daughter carried on the family tradition, painting similar scenes.

Source: Wikipedia; website of Wallington gallery.

Inscription: signed lower left.

Technique: oil on canvas, original frame.

Measurements: unframed w. 35 1/2" x h. 24"(90 x 61 cm), framed w. 41 1/3" x h. 29 7/8" (105 x 76 cm).

Condition: good.